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Friday 23 January 2015

The Holy Grail of Hair Tips


The Holy Grail of Hair Tips

Some ladies are lucky and are born with thick luscious hair while other gals (like myself), end up with braids as thin as our index fingers. Someone please explain to me why my brother inherited the thick hair and I didn’t (Absolute BS… not fair). Not only was I born with thin hair, but I’ve been toying around with my hair colour since the teenage days (not to mention that time I bleached two blonde streaks in the front of my hair when I was six years old - yikes). But, I’m twenty two now and all the bad hair treatments have caught up to me. Last summer I noticed my hair was thinning by the day and falling out at night. All I could do was stress about my hair falling out, worrying that I was balding which only made my hair fall out more! (pretty much the definition of a girl's nightmare). Finally I took action, read up on healthy hair and the summation has come to these 3 basic tips:
1.       Horse Shampoo – Mane n’ Tail
Yes. Yes. I mean it. You may have heard of Mane n’ Tail from the movie “Blades of Glory” (classic Will Farrell movie). In the movie, he plays a dramatic metrosexual male figure skater with hair that shines like Orion’s belt out on the ice (just quoted the movie, yup).  But for real, since using it y hair feels stronger, healthier and shows more volume than it ever has. I found the shampoo and conditioner at a Sally Beauty Shop near by. Luckily my friend in the cosmetic business gave me her discount card, but you can find them priced at only $11.00 a bottle. So worth it! Don't be alarm by the running horses logo, it really is meant for humans as well... I promise (lolol). ALSO! Do your best to avoid blow drying your hair, air dry avoids hair fry! <-- Genius, I know.

2.       Ouchless Hair ElasticsBeing a dance teacher by night means I’m constantly putting my hair up into a pony tail or a quick messy bun. I noticed that my hair was being pulled out by all the crappy hair elastics I was using. I mentioned this problem to my hair dresser and she told me to immediately go buy myself a huge pack of these ouchless hair elastics. They truly make a difference. They’re really comfortable and don’t rip out my hair every time I use them. If the colours bother you, simply wrap a small strand of hair around the elastic to help blend it in (I usually do this if I plan a night out with an up do). These elastics are totally cheap and you can find them at any Walmart or even dollar store!

3.       Vitamins – Nurticap
Believe it or not, but these vitamins have not only helped the growth of my hair but they’re great for strengthening your nails! At first when I took Nutricap, I wasn’t taking it as consistently so the turn out wasn’t as good. However, I finally smartened up and set an alarm for every lunch break to be sure to take them. I’m slowly noticing the difference in my hair and my nails are so strong that I’m constantly complimented on how nice my they are (it takes a few minutes to convince people they are real). You can find Nutricap at Walmart, 1 packet of 40 capsules and you only take 2 daily! $19.99 a package! Worth it ladies, worth it!
Let’s hope these tips continue to help me so I can have the beautiful mermaid hair I dream of having for the summer! If you gals have any more tips to help my THP (Thin Hair Problems), let a sista know! xoxox
- 22, CC

Tuesday 6 January 2015

New Feels. New Chapter. New Year.


2014: Montego Bay, Jamaica
2014: Me, Myself and My Sidekick

2014: My one and only Pizza Dad *heart eyes*

As I snoop around and read other lady blogs, I think it’s almost mandatory that I write a New Year post. But seriously… I’m trying to turn a new leaf this year. 2014 was great, like really great. I had a lot of fun, I partied a ton (probably too much for my health), I traveled a ton (Cuba, Whistler, New York, Jamaica) and I spent a ton of money(currently living off of 0$). Although, being a broke b*tch wasn’t the highlight of my year, the money spending was worth it. But this year, this year is all about growing up. Okay yeah, I’m may be 22 years old but I still have a lot of growing up to do. So with all that said, my resolutions are as follows:

1.       SAVE!
Save, Save, Save, Save. I am all about saving this year. I do already have a savings account which takes %19 of my pay check every two weeks and I know everyone does this, but for real, if you haven’t done it yet, DO IT! And don’t touch it! Seeing your savings account increase every two weeks is truly rewarding and it really makes you realize how much money you waste on silly things. Not only am I going to up my bi-weekly savings, but with my everyday loose change I'm planning to put it all into a jar and at the end of every month I’ll add it to my savings. It might not be a lot, but hey money is money, every little bit counts!

2.       Pick the Right Nights to Go Out
(Now, this resolution may go hand in hand with saving)
If you’re anything like me, you love having a night out with your friends, but let me add… if you’re anything like me you’ll spend over $200 dollars in one night (if you’re not like me don’t be shocked, I promise I don’t have a spending problem). But yeah guys, $200 dollars is crazy, I know, but it adds up (cabbing, bar entry, drinks, drinks for friends and 4am pizza… duh). But, what I mean by “pick the right night to go out” is, I won’t be going out Thursday to Saturday anymore. After last year, I realized that every night of partying is the same (pre-drink -> party -> pizza). I’m going to go out when I have the money to and when I know majority of my friends are going out. Sometimes a basic night out just isn’t worth the $200 dollar minus in the bank account. It's definitely easier to buy a $10 dollar bottle of wine, a $7 dollar oven pizza and have a night in with my man. Plus, if you’re anything like me you’re the life of the party… so don’t worry, nobody’s going to have fun without you there ;)
3.       Experience and Learn!
Experience and learning is everything. You can never learn too much and there will always be something new for you to experience. Therefore, I’m buffing up my resume and applying to summer internships. Networking and surrounding yourself with brilliant people will only benefit you in the long run. You never know what a new opportunity may bring, it just may open the door to something new! 
4.       Exercise First Thing in the Morning
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I know this is on everyone’s New Year resolution list. However, I’m going to be very specific. I’m going to work out first thing in the morning. I’ve noticed with my lazy self that if I wait any longer than an hour after I wake up I’ll find myself pushing it off by cleaning my room, watching tv or surfing the internet. Therefore, I’m giving myself one hour after I wake up to get my butt out of the house and into the gym! So far so good, but then again I’m two days into this routine… wish me luck!

5.       Read More Books I would seriously like to up my reading kill count (lol). I love lighting a candle, sipping a tea and reading at the end of the night. It really is the best way to put yourself to sleep. Not only is it great for relaxing and relieving stress but it keeps your brain moving, expands your vocabulary and fills it with new bits of information, and you never know when it might come in handy.

So there you have it, my top of the list resolutions. I’d love to know some of your guys’ resolutions, I just might want to add them to my list!

PS. Any book suggestions to add to my reading kill count?! DO TELL :)


-22, CC

Wednesday 17 December 2014

22 Feels From NYC

Hello from New York City betches!

A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I booked a quick December trip to the city that never sleeps. We left last Friday for an eight hour road trip and now it's already our last night here (*insert broken heart emoticon*). Ugh, road trips back home are always so dreadful and depressing. I'm not excited for that. However, last night was an exciting one. We put on our tdot  raptors swagger and headed out to the Knicks vs. Raptors basketball game. What an intense game! Probably the best sports game I've ever been too. The game was so close that it made things super exciting and fun. I'm sure the beer and screaming fans played a big part in the excitement as well.. lol. The weather has been unbelievably perfect. Mind you it's cold, but this cold doesn't do much to us coming from Toronto. With the cold but beaming sun out, all I've  been living in is my long black and leather touched dress coat, thick turtle neck sweaters and black leather gloves.

I'd also like to add that the food is DUH-licious, of course (get it.. *duh*licious). Thank goodness for all the walking and daily strolls we've been doing because the current pizza and pasta intake won't help my bikini body expectations for next week (oh ya, I leave for Jamaica this Friday).

Anyways, the trip has been spectacular and filled with cute, romanticly lame adventures, but we've hit a minor speed bump on our last day. My darling has caught a seriously bad flu. I've been up this morning since 7:30am, roaming the streets of New York, gathering sick remedies for my love. Advil, Tylenol, ginger ale, soda crackers and oranges. Let's hope this day turns around because it's our last day/night out! Fingers crossed guys. If any of you have some suggestions or home remedies  to help him feel a tad better (especially since we have a long road trip ahead of us), or if any of you wonderful humans have some good cold/flu beaters so that I can avoid getting sick before my trip to Jamaica -- that would be a life saver!

     Let a sista know!

                                                     - 22, CC

Friday 5 December 2014

Is Humor the Sexiest Trait on a Guy?

Humour = Sexy

Is humor the sexiest trait on a guy? With all the buzz about beards and man buns (yes, these features are bonuses!), what's a guy without the ability to make you laugh. I personally have always picked the "funny guy" or in other words the "class clown". I'm not saying we all have to pick the funny guy, because we all have a different sense of humor, I'm saying he should be YOUR type of funny. A funny that you enjoy, that makes you laugh and makes you happy. Happiness is laughing till you cry, it's definitely on the top 3 of my favourite things to do (haha).

Before my current boyfriend, I was with my ex for about 6 years. He was hilarious. Mind you his inability to take things serious was an annoyance (and a bajillion other unlikable traits *hint hint nudge nudge*), but his strongest trait that kept me around was his humor. My current boyfriend now makes me laugh until I cry. Every Sunday morning, after a fun night out, we lay in bed just laughing.. and laughing.. and laughing. If anyone was a fly on the wall at one of our Sunday morning laugh fest's, they'd probably think we're freakishly bizarre. You could consider us the annoying couple sometimes. No, not the annoying couple that can't keep their hands off of each other. The annoying couple that has way too many inside jokes.


Now, we can't forget about the other awesome traits that make a guy so sexy and loveable (and suddenly a thousands sexy, scruffy, man-bunned, guitar playing guys run through all our minds). Although those attractive traits are different for everyone, there's always that one thing about a guy that you can't resist! What is it for you guys?

 - 22, CC

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Jealousy in Relationships - Am I Considered Psycho?

Follow my blog with Bloglovin


We are all guilty of it, especially when you're in a relationship. But is it actually possible to keep it under control? Is there such thing as good jealousy? I've heard people say many times that a little jealousy is good for your relationship.. but is it true? Or does that statement only apply to certain relationships. Have you ever rolled over in bed while your man's asleep and maybe sneak a peak at his last text messages... I bet you have. I know I have a few times. But my question is, does that make me crazy, or does it make me insecure, or was I really just bored and curious. It's quite strange that sometimes when you do something you don't really know why you did it. What if you find something irritating, how do you explain how you found it? What if you find something irritating but you know it's not a reasonable argument, how do you let it go? When it comes to feelings, I work like a sponge. I will absorb something, let go of it, but there will always be a little bit left inside. Does this make me a grudge holder? If I crept his phone once and found something that bothered me, does this mean I will forever feel the need to creep it again and again. I don't want that for my relationship, but I do want to feel secure and maybe some of us ladies need the reassurance. My boyfriend does nothing but praise me and make me feel like the most special person. So why can't I remember that anytime I start feeling jealous and snoopy. Maybe I'm damaged from my last relationship and maybe my trust issues need some therapy (or I'm just a jealous bitch...[lol]).
It's time I start changing the way I see things and when that sponge of a brain starts absorbing jealous thoughts, I'll know it's time for the sponge to get a good cleaning before it's put to use
                             - 22, CC

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Feels & Ideal Steals

Naked Shoulders

Whether I'm going out to dinner, running errands or simply lounging at home, there is one choice of style that I'll never oppose.. and it's the naked shoulder. I don't know what it is, but I love a little bit of collarbone and shoulder slippage with a shirt. Of course this only works with the RIGHT shirt. The right shirt has to have a large neck and lose fitting arm sleeves. Dress it up with skirts and accessories or dress it down with ripped jeans. This look will forever be my fave -- heart eyes for days. 

- 22

Twenty Two Feels

Hopes. Dreams. Problems. My mind has been tortured by these three things for the past couple of weeks, but finally my mind is (almost) at ease and I think I've reached a solution. Maybe I started feeling bored and unchallenged, or maybe I was really and truly unhappy. Well whatever it was that I was feeling was real, and it pushed me to address the fact that I might be missing something in my life. - Nooo, not in need of a new boyfriend, new car or a hair change... this feeling was deeper.

Ever since I was fifteen I thought I wanted to be a dance teacher and operate my own dance studio. Once I got the chance to teach my first dance class at my mom's studio, I felt excited for my future. This was probably because I thought I was so sure that it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life (key word: thought). I had several conversations with both my parents where we discussed my future goals for the studio and what I would do post high school to pursue them. Finally, I graduated high school and was off to college to study business and marketing. As my three years of school were coming to an end, I couldn't help but feel eager to leave school forever and start focusing on the studio entirely.

Flash forward a few months and I feel my boredom starting to kick in. I'm teaching dance regularly, collecting my bi-weekly paychecks, hustling to market the dance studio, partying on the weekends, how on earth could I be bored? I started reading again and got back into my nightly yoga routines, but it wasn't any of those things that I was missing. Before I decided to tell anyone I wanted to make sure these feelings weren't my womanly hormones being dramatic since I had recently got off birth control. So instead of telling any family or friends (particularly my parents), I started writing in a journal. AKA. putting in my headphones and putting my thoughts into words. This whole therapeutic writing thing started turning into something that I looked forward to doing everyday. Then finally, the writing went from therapy to interest... and interest to passion.
One year later and now I'm here. Taking control of this overwhelming epiphany that I was meant to do something else with my life. I'm now en route to enrolling back into school and my career and long term goals are about to take a turn, but I can't wait for the ride.

new feels = new things = new chapter.

                                                               - 22,    CC